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" mystery in a luminous word..."
charles frode
Author Writer Poet Teacher
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For the past several years, the Dalai Lama has hosted (through The Mind and Life Institute) discussions between lifetime meditators and neuro-cognitive scientists with the goal of finding common ground about the nature of consciousness and the mind. Scientists studying the brain and neural networks from "outside," and meditators studying the mind from "inside."

Several books have been published detailing and describing the discoveries about the nature of the mind and reality. One book that stands out is The Monastery and the Microscope: Conversations with the Dalai Lama on Mind, Mindfulness, and the Nature of Reality, Edited by Wendy Hasenkamp with Janna White. Another excellent must read is Beyond The Self: Conversations Between Buddhism and Neuroscience by Matthieu Richard and Wolf Singer.

Charles Frode is available to discuss the current research and thinking about the nature of mind and consciousness using this collaborative research and primary scriptures about mind, consciousness, and the nature or reality from Buddhism and Hinduism. 

Not a religious perspective, but a perspective on mind, consciousness, and reality based on the  "outer" and "inner" research of neuro-cognitive scientists and lifetime meditators.

Frode is also able to discuss the beneficial and healthful changes that meditation causes in individuals, such as stress and anxiety reduction, emotional health, self-awareness, strengthened attention span, increase of kindness and compassion, among others. These positive changes are a result of physical changes in the brain--the hippocampus and the amygdala. A fascinating body of research the benefits of which are available to anyone at any moment through meditation. Frode can discuss several basic kinds of meditation easy for anyone to practice and begin experiencing the benefits.